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Change Custer State Park To Chief Crazy Horse State Park Petition
Request for South Dakota State bill be brought about to change
Custer State Park to Chief Crazy Horse State Park.
Reasons for bringing about Chief Crazy Horse State Park:
South Dakota's Chief Crazy Horse memorial is the world's largest
man made monument, it would befitting for South Dakota to have a state park
named in honor of Chief Crazy Horse.
No federal or state money is being used to build Chief Crazy Horse Monument,
which will also have a University on site as well.
In time, Chief Crazy Horse monument will bring in hundreds of millions of
dollars each year for the state from tourist visiting the site, people from all
over the world will travel to see this one of a kind monument honoring an
American Indian leader. Businesses around the area of the monument will benefit
Custer State Park is located close to the front of Chief Crazy Horse monument,
so bringing about a name change of Custer State Park would expedite this issue
with little coast to the state. In a short time the state government would
recover any money spent in changing the parks name. Chief Crazy Horse Park would
draw in more tourists and the park store would see a large increase in sales.
Custer has a place in history books, he should not have a state tax paid park in
the heart of Lakota home land. Bringing about Chief Crazy Horse State Park next
to his monument would create a more serene atmosphere for the area and all
The true history between Custer and Chief Crazy Horse is well known. The state
of South Dakota should show people it's support of the man Crazy Horse, not his
enemy Custer. The Indian community of South Dakota and America sees no reason to
honor Custer with a state park paid for with taxpayers money.
UNA Draft wording of bill
Custer State Park name to be changed to Chief Crazy Horse State Park
Whereas: The state government of South Dakota recommends
changing Custer State Park name to Chief Crazy Horse State Park.
Whereas: South Dakota State Government, in recognition of Chief Crazy Horse and
his Monument sees fit to bring about a state park bearing his name.
Whereas: Bringing about Chief Crazy Horse State park would show honor and give
well deserved respect to the man Crazy Horse. This was a man who has played a
bigger than life roll in South Dakota history, a history known around the world.
Whereas: Custer State park is located next to Chief Crazy Horse Monument,
changing the name of the park would be more fitting than bringing about another
state park. This action would expedite the creation of Chief Crazy Horse State
Whereas: Establishing Chief Crazy Horse Park will show a strong bond between the
State Government and Tribal Governments within the state.
Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives