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Date: 8/23/00 10:17:49 PM Central Daylight Time
From: JTTN@Taino-Tribe.Org (Chief Pedro Guanikeyu Torres)

Tau Guaitiao, Hello Friend,
I believe that your petition does not cover the Taino Native American Indian people of the United States territory of Puerto Rico. We are the original people who greeted Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492. Your petition covers the United States, Alaska and Hawaii and does not include the United States territory of Puerto Rico. Please add the US Territory of Puerto Rico to your petition as we who are Taino are also Native Americas.

Sincerely, Cacique Pedro Guanikeyu Torres, Principal Chief
Office of Taino Tribal Affairs (Tribal Representative)
The Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation Council Government
The Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation of Boriken, PR

El Consejo Taino de Jatibonicu
PO Box #253, Orocovis, Puerto Rico 00720-0253

Puerto Rico Regional Taino Tribal Affairs Office, PR
153 Calle Tetuan, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico 00901
Tel: (787) 977-2983 "Official Taino Indian Registry"

Washington DC Regional Tribal Affairs Office, US
1928 Wicklow Court, Woodbridge, VA 22191
(H)Tel: (703) 490-4793

United States Regional Tribal Affairs Office, US
703 South 8th St. Vineland, NJ 08360
Tel: (856) 690-1565 Fax: (856) 690-1312

The Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Band of New Jersey, US
The Taino Tribal Council of Jatibonicu
703 South 8th St. Vineland, NJ 08360
Tel: (856) 690-1565 Fax: (856) 690-1312

Tekesta Taino Tribal Band of Bimini Florida
8902 N. Military Trail, #315 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Our Tribal Motto: "Like A Mountain We Stand Alone"
Tribal Name: Great People of The Sacred High Waters
Tribal Affiliation: Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation of Boriken
(C) All Rights Reserved FHDJ, Inc of Orocovis, Puerto Rico

United Native America
America Indian Made
Greetings Mr. Torres:

As founder of United Native America I fully agree with your request to add the Taino Indian Nation of Puerto Rico to the holiday petition. We have sent a letter to the online petition support team to make this change. Please allow them time to make this change.

The holiday petition was placed online August, 1st. It has been in the top ten out of over one thousand petitions since its first day online. It is an honor to welcome the Taino Indian Nation to the national holiday issue. I will send you information to fully inform you of our actions and other groups around the country that are trying to bring this holiday about.

We are working with the American Indian Caucus in Washington, DC. You may contact them at 202-225-3611 Kimberly Teehee, email founder of Indian Caucus is JD Hayworth of Arizona email or his assistant Bob Holmes email office number 202-225-2190.

United Native America has a mailing list to keep people updated on the national holiday issue. We would like to add your email or an email of your choice to receive this information. We would appreciate the national holiday being presented to the Taino Tribal Council, asking them to pass a resolution in support of this issue. Please click on the web site below to review letters that we have posted concerning the holiday issue.

Thank you for your concern and support on this issue.
Founder of United Native America Mike L. Graham

United Native America
America Indian Made

Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. We attended the Cherokee Nation holiday this Saturday, We met with actor Wes Studi and his fan club who had a booth at the event. He took pictures with us and autographed our t-shirts, and talked with us about the holiday. He was glad to hear the Indian Caucus would draft a bill to take before congress.

His main concern is the same as ours that congress will do the right thing when the bill comes before them. Mr. Studi is Cherokee himself, and is glad that the Cherokee Nation has passed a resolution calling for this national holiday. Wes Studi told us that he had no problem with the holiday petition banner being placed on his official fan club web site. Fan club members told us they would go to work on setting up the banner on their web site when they return to Dallas. They will be added to our email list.

Mike L. & Sharon Graham

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